Montag, 4. Mai 2009


Haben heute mal wieder geprobt. Wird wieder richtig regelmäßig, wie es aussieht. Neuer eigener Song ist quasi fertig; es fehlt noch eine dritte Strophe (in der ich bis jetzt einfach die erste wiederhole ^^), außerdem könnte es sein, das der Text noch komplett überarbeitet wird. 'nen Titel hats auch noch nicht. So siehts bisher aus:

I still got hope, just longing for your embrace
and I hurt myself, confronting me with your face
I am wondering how much this poor soul can take
and I don't know if I want to see the next day
This love burns holes in titans
I burned my fingers (fingertips)
it burns a hole in titan
it's just too hot for me

What I see, what I feel
walk at the edge, happy to fall
a flower, dried out in the sand
so hello self destruction

I've built a wall to hide behind it and cry
I've missed the chance, maybe I'm too fucking shy
Everythings allright, hell, can't you see thats a lie
Gonna close my eyes, sleep tight, stop breathing and die
What happens all around me
this is too much for me
what happens all around me
I can't stand this no more

What I see ...

>3. Strophe (noch zu erstellen)<

Empty handed I stand here, in the mirror someone else
I know soon I'll disappear, a razor's grinning on the shelf
it calls my name, and I read something from my lips
oh black hole, I gonna join the light within you
join the light within you
black hole, inside of you (etc.)

und dann haben wir meinen alten lieblingssong fertig gemacht, den text gabs bisher auch noch nirgends zu sehen, also will ich ihn auch hier nicht vorenthalten, man bedenke allerdings, dass er mehr als 2,5 Jahre alt ist.


She said I never heard a word when she spoke to me
she said I never understood the way that she thought
maybe she was right, but it was not the time to see for me
because I couldn't recognize that I lived in a dream

and we both know that it could have been really great
but our minds don't, they just don't ever really met
if we're honest then we should have seen it earlier
I didn't get the point, now I know this wasn't meant to last

and now some time has passed, and now some years have gone
now I know we both made faults and that time heals our wounds
and all whats left are scars and fading memories
the good things glorified, the bad things disappeared

and we both know that ...

burneddown pictures, broken glasses and remaining memories
growing older, maybe wiser, mindpics that I like to see
barbeque in her parents garden, summerdays and strawberry fields
camping with friends, driving her car, open wounds have shut to scars
I feel happy again, I'm lucky again, it feels better than ever
alone, but with my friends, with my band, my music more intense
I even hope that she feels the same, she finds her way like I found mine
and if we'll meet again I know we can feel fine... I hope we will feel fine...
feel fine

Viel verschiedener gehts nicht mehr, ist mir schon klar. aber egal; alles Ausschnitte einer bestimmten Zeit, und die Stimmung ist nicht soo verschieden, also steckt in beidem eine Menge Gefühl, und grade die Musik dazu transportiert das sehr gut. und nein, wir sind keine Emoband, vor allem nicht im Sinne der Bravo ^^ Man rocke on! Rechtschreibfehler (grad bei den Texten) sind extra eingebaut, freut euch wenn ihr sie findet xDDD

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